Saturday, May 16, 2009


This past semester I was able to work for the University of South Carolina's student newspaper: The Daily Gamecock. It was really cool, I was able to learn a ton. I learned mostly about news style photography, and how to (try to) capture an event. What I quickly came to realize, is that this involves a lot of waiting. But I've come to think that that is what photography is about. When you're trying to capture a moment in time, you have to wait for that moment to come and happen. That's what happened here. I had to take a picture of the candidates for student council. The moderators/people asking questions, were pretty much right behind me to my right when I took this. The debate was set up so that the moderators would ask a question, then all the candidates would answer one at a time. So after the first question, as the last candidate was answering, I got in my position where I knew all the candidates would all be looking at the sam time: right next to the moderators. I had already set up my exposure settings beforehand. I'm pretty okay with how this came out.

I also learned how important it is to figure our settings as quick as possible. Here's an example of when I was in the right spot, but the picture's overexposed a bit. I got a text message one day after class, saying there was a protest to keep a camp open for kids with disabilities. I figured it would be cool to wait for the protesters to walk past me, so I waited by the sidewalk. But I was in the shade; not the best, I learned, for getting even light. Oh well, now I know.

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