Sunday, April 27, 2008

Terms Part1a

Check out this link for more info on ISO:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Terms Part1

ISO - The speed or specific light-sensitivity of a camera is rated by ISO numbers such as 100, 400, etc. The higher the number, the more sensitive it is to light. As with film, the higher ISO speeds usually induce more electronic noise so the image gets grainier.

I thought it might help if we discussed some photographic terms. If you would like to go ahead and post some, too! I am not a professional so PLEASE feel free to correct me or add onto anything.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some Random Stuff

These are really just some "messing around" shots from last weekend. All these were at the local college.

I wanted this to be a freeze frame; not blurred. But it's way too dark. Should i have turned up the ISO? ( it was at 80)

This is a little too dark too, but i was "panning" with the runners. I probably should have zoomed in too.

And this is just a shot of the "infamous" Hard Rock Park. This was the Friday before its 'soft opening'

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I don't know.. missed the shot but I kinda like the picture.

This is the how it looks unedited... like I sorta missed.

Some cropping and tada! Looks planned!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Break

Please don't ask why or how, because i don't know how these turned out not half bad. I did edit most of them, just a little, but i hope you agree with me in how much better they look. Here's the rest

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Isn't it funny how one little tilt or zoom in or out will "make or break" the picture? Like in the one below. Something doesn't "work". It just doesn't look right, at least to me anyway.

So instead I got up close with this one and it seems so much better to me. What do you think?

Life has gone by so fast and yet slow at the same time. So when i take a picture i freeze the times that will go by in seconds.When i take a picture i capture a glimpse of what will be the past. As i look at a picture or share with others a picture, it brings joy and a thankful heart to me. But yet there can be pictures that brings an awe-inspiring moment and tears. It allows us to think and to be in silence.
I thank the Lord for this blessing to be able to take moments to capture of this life that he has given us.
Okay im kinda almost done with ocean city pictures.haha.Im about to bring the heat.Just joking i just like photography a lot.
I took this picture when i was on a mission trip with my church to Florida.This is the Gulf of Mexico.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

These are some pics of the fire last Sunday in Ocean City.


I know it's kinda corky but this is a pic of me and another firefighter at the 9 alram fire that was this past Sunday. I was in service and Lee said look there is smoke over there. "Our church is one block away from where the fire was". It took two and a half hours to get it under control. Thanks to the Lord for protecting us from getting hurt. In case you didn't know I'm on the right.-Josh

1800's Windmill

I love these photos. I think they are really neat. This is exactly how they looked when I shot them... no editing. I always feel like I am cheating when I edit or "fix" a picture even though it is really cool all the things you can do with that!
This is pic of when about 40 people from the Son' Spot went to Florida for about 10 days to a Christian retreat center. One person stayed there to do a 10 week Bible course and just finished a couple of weeks ago. Praise God!

This is when a bunch of us went to PA to snow board, play paintball, and just generally goof off! It was a lot of fun. Were ready for battle. -Josh
This is a picture that i took of Ocean City near the pier.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Dilema

I'm not that big into photography, but i enjoy it as a pastime. But when i get into it, i guess i'm a perfectionist. Example:

Here's a decent (figuratively) picture of my cousin:

So, now i want to make the light just a little better:

After a little bit of "messing" around i come up with this:

So what's the 'dilema' you're asking? I found out what kind of pictures i like, and the problem is; i know how to make them.

'?' you all say. well, i just want to take honest pictures. I hate being fake, and i wish i could take either of the pictures i edited without editing them. So now that i know how to make the pictures i's kinda like having Christmas everyday. It loses its magic.

Hope somebody got something out of this; if you would like to tell me which is your favorite or tips on taking them, any comments would be appreciated.