Sunday, May 10, 2009

Flowers are usually pretty

So....I'm finally done with school. That should explain a lot. In other words, I will be posting more regularly now for a while. I have so many pictures I've wanted to post. I'll start with this one.

I was walking back to my dorm from something, I think it was some meeting, and it was about 5:30 PM in early March. Golden hour. I walked past these flowers and thought it would make a good picture, so I convinced myself to stop. Pretty much just basic settings, trying to get right exposure and all. I was physically pretty close to the flowers themselves, so that helped a lot with the depth of field.

Lessoned learned: actually trying is half the work.

1 comment:

Gracenme said...

This picture is beautiful. I just wanted to stop by and check out all of your pictures. I now know that I know almost nothing about photography. Some of these insights and tips and such just overload my brain. Very nice!

your old friend,

Anna G