Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Photo contests: results

I think i got the usual:

"you have a 1:9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.2 chance in winning. Would you like to purchase one of our $69 photo books?"

I don't recommend online photo contests.

(sorry there's no pictures in this one)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Going back in time

I love film. It reminds me of the good ole' days. Even scanning film to make digital ruins it a little. But since my camera got its inards' semi-squashed on the bus ride up to our senior trip, i had to use the disposable cameras i brought. I think they came out cool. (I think that's because i couldn't mess with any settings on the camera) But digital is amazing in its "sharability" factor, and it's almost just as good as film if you don't look too closely.

Some of these have a little bit of the negative still exposed because i just had them developed straight from the negative film to a disc. I might make prints from the negatives eventually.

Also, since my camera won't work without two hundred bucks of work to it, i entered this pic into a few online photo contests. If anything happens I'll let you all know so you can get in on them.

A Lonely Bass

This is the original photo. I like it but can't help messing with it just a little. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I took these pictures while our church had a service at Sunset Park in OC. They are all unedited and I would love to know what you think. The good and the bad!!!!!
PS: It has been pretty quite around here lately. I know we are all busy with school, jobs, etc. but I hope that towards the beginning of the summer we will all have a bit more time!